Protest aeroplane writes "Safety is Nothing Without Freedom" across the sky

Protest Aeroplane

Remember; We don't Write em, We Just fly em

Our aircraft becomes the top UK news story for 24 hours

The protest Banner reads "COVID Bereaved say get out of here"

With only 2 hours’ notice, SKY-ADS creates a sensation 
By flying over the set of the UK version of the reality show I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here! carrying a banner with the message “Covid bereaved say get out of here!” It was aimed at former UK health secretary Matt Hancock, one of the show’s contestants. Hancock, resigned as Health Secretary after he was caught breaking his own COVID mandates.
Our client in the UK told the press “We couldn’t stand by while the guy who set the rules, then resigned for breaking them, parades around on TV as a “celebrity”.

The story was picked up by more than 150 news outlets! Overnight and remained the Number 1 UK news story for 24 hours
It is on the front page of the BBC News website,
we’ve also got coverage across Daily Mirror, Independent, Daily Star, OK!, Hello, Daily Mail, LADbible, Metro, Express, Western Mail, City AM, JOE, HuffPost, Daily Record, Yahoo News, i, Guardian (PA copy), Chronicle Sky News, and BBC Australia. There’s been some pick up in Ireland too – RTE, Irish Sun, Irish Independent,
In Australia the day after the story broke in the UK we had stories in the Age and SMH
Along with live Radio interviews on 4BC

Update on the Richmond Campaign

Aerial Banner reads "Vote Freedom Gary Biggs Libdems"

With our efforts during the run-up and pre-polling Gary achieved the 3rd highest Vote for the Liberal Democrats in Australia 
The two candidates that achieved a higher vote both had the number 1 spot on the ballot paper
Unfortunately, we cannot control the weather and a burst of La Nina fell on the Friday and Saturday of the election 
The rain grounded us on election day, who knows how big the vote would have been? With help of preference from the other Freedom Friendly Minor Parties; Gary would have been very close to carrying the seat
Not only that we achieved Gary’s main aim of preventing the Greens from taking the seat and saving Australia from the disaster a Labor / Greens minority government would have been

Campaign continues over Richmond - Tax Sux 20% Max!

Sky banner reads "Tax Sux 20% Max!"

Authorised by Robert Cribb, Liberal Democrats, Level 14 5 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000.

Your Freedom Defender Gary Biggs was in the air with us again over Richmond today.
He wanted to fly yesterday to catch the markets, but it rained most of the day over most of his electorate. Today was fine so off we went – Down to Ballina via Mullumbimby then all the way up the Coast to Tweed Heads.

If you want to help keep us in the air through the closing stages of this election, less than 3 weeks to go, you can go to his website and donate – Each flight is $1200 so please be generous.

You can also find the Libdems policies click Freedom Manifesto on his website.

Update: Gary recorded the third highest Liberal Democrat primary vote in Australia and succeeded in his primary aim of keeping the Greens from taking Richmond  and as it happens saved Australia from the nightmare scenario of a Green’s dominated minority government – “Could not have done it without SKY-ADS” said Gary
He continued “I could spend all day driving the length of Richmond standing at polling booths and only meet a few dozen people – SKY-ADS covers Richmond from Tweed to Ballina and every place between – everybody has seen and is talking about my message, very effective and cost-efficient! SKY-ADS got my message across!”

Sign in the air reads "Vote 1 Lib Dems - Gary Biggs

Flying Around the Bluesfest at Byron Bay

It was huge but sometimes our message is aimed at just one in the crowd

Sky banner reads "End mandates & SOE"
Authorised by Dr. John Humphreys the Liberal Democrats, 11b/108 Wilkie St Yeerongpilly QLD 4105.
So the Courier Mail is reporting that Queen Palaszczuk is attending Bluesfest Byron Bay.
So Gary Biggs LibDems candidate for Richmond was straight onto us to crank up what he is Calling the Freedom Aircraft (Sounds good to us) and to fly around the BluesFest at Byron Bay.
Gary Said 
“I hope Queen Palaszczuk’s Stephen Miles does not decide he can keep the job by doing another snap border closure – 3 hours she gave us last time – I can see Annastacia Palaszczuk in a Van at Murwillumbah showgrounds locked out from going home – I will protest for her just in case. 😀😎😁
Just a few short months ago the good people of Richmond were locked out of Queensland because we were so dangerous – even though there was no flu north of Taree for months.
Now it is finally here the Queensland Premier chooses to attend what could be described as a mass spreader event – is she trying to take it home with her? – not keeping them safe anymore!?! – the insensitivity towards those who were not allowed to see their family or even their dying parents by enjoying herself in our back yard is insensitive and cruel – how short of a memory do Labor politicos think we have?
That also includes the spinelessness from our current representative for not standing up for us – which was unforgivable – Richmond has not forgotten!
Richmond Deserves a Freedom Champion who will stand up for our rights.
Why are we all still living under a State of Emergency (SOE)?”

You can you help out Gary’s campaign – maybe chuck in a few bucks –
Who knows the people you help might be us 🙂

Follow Gary on Facebook –

Gary Uncensored on Telegram –

sky advertising says "Legal Weed"

Authorised by Dr. John Humphreys the Liberal Democrats, 11b/108 Wilkie St Yeerongpilly QLD 4105.

Our second banner over Blues Fest also covered the Electorate of Richmond and should make the Hippies Happy
Nothing like a Happy Hippy.

Gary Said
“Libertarian is a concept that confuses many – it is neither Left or Right.

For example – If you want to have toke at a Bluesfest Byron Bay – if it does not hurt anybody why is it the Govt’s business? I certainly don’t mind.
Same goes for Pill Testing.
Ok so I want to address the elephant in the policy room.
Let me explain why a libertarian (contra to mythology) is not open slather in favor of all drugs being legalized.
Basic principles “you should be free to do that ever you want as long as you don’t hurt anyone else”
An example of Hurting someone else in the context of drugs could be, a Drunk who drinks all the family’s money and does not care for their kids. – in this case it may be appropriate to limit this persons freedoms – for example placing them on a Cashless dole card – but a libertarian would trust everybody else until there is hard evidence of harm to others. So both Scomo and Albo are incorrect. IMHO.
Australia used to be the world’s biggest producer of hemp rope but we brought into this American Idea that Cannabis is bad – Then we were forced to grow cotton at huge environmental cost and we consume lots of American stuff doing it; John Deere cotton equipment, Monsanto Poisons, Cessna Crop-dusters to drop the Monsanto Poisons. Do you think we were coned?
If you want to grow a plant and do whatever with it – if you don’t hurt anyone; it should not be a crime.
Here was my message flown over Bluesfest 2022 at Byron Bay”

SKY-ADS launches a politicians campaign – we did literally watch this

Sky sign reads "End Mandates Now!"

Authorized by G. Biggs Terranora 2486 
3/4/2022 – The Freedom Aircraft is in the air again, this time to launch the campaign in Richmond for the Liberal Democrat candidate  Gary Biggs

Starting in Murwillumbah, we covered Mullumbimby, Banaglow, Ballina, Byron Bay then all the up the coast to Tweed Heads. Where we helped out the Gold Coast libDems with a run up all the Gold coast Beaches.

Check out Gary’s Facebook

Not only did we cover Gary’s entire electorate with his message we also helped out his Queensland Mates
He could have sat in one market we flew over 5 markets and the rest of the electorate in one go!

Now that’s effective campaigning !!!

To follow Gary check out his campaign on Facebook @LibDemsRichmond

Air Support for Protest at Queensland's Parliament House

Sky Banner over protest reads "Freedom Matters! End Mandates Now"

Authorized by G. Biggs Terranora 2486 

Another huge crowd cheers the arrival over head Queensland’s Parliament House of our Aircraft towing our message
Todays crowd was gathered to resist the extension of the State of Emergency in Queensland and
To protest the unfair treatment of workers who have made the decision not to take a medical procedure.
“End the State of Emergency now – only Tyrants rule by Mandate” was the mood of the protestors.

Flying in support of the Convoy to Canberra

Outdoor Advertising reads "Freedom! Not evil govt vax mandates"
Our Clients Message
“This Banner is My Sunday Morning Sermon to Australian Federal and State Govt’s!!!”
Flown Coolangatta to Coolum in support of the Convoy to Canberra – wish we could be there, sending our ❤️

#Reclaimtheline Queensland Border Protest

Sky sign read "If you need a pass you're not free"

Authorized by G. Biggs Terranora 2486 

Another huge crowd cheers the arrival over head of our Aircraft towing our banner protesting the cruel treatment of Border communities and the injustice of the current mandates removing Human Rights from people because of their health choices. 

Aerial view of protest crowd
Protest crowd on the march as seen from our aircarft

Our aerial pictures were used to estimate the size of the crowd at that point in the protest at 20,000

Millions March for Freedom - Gold Coast - 27/11/21

Authorized By – R. Anderson on behalf of Concerned Parents Southport

Massive Crowds at Kurrawa Park on the Gold Coast protesting against loss of freedom because of aggressive mandates

This banner was Crowd Funded by Concerned Parents – they would like to express their Thanks to each and every person who chipped in to make this Banner Message possible – over 20 individual people share the concern enough to reach into their own pockets and sponsor the message being broadcast to the Gold Coast and Brisbane. 

#ReclaimTheLine QLD/NSW Border Coercion Protest

Authorized by G. Biggs Terranora 2486 

#ReclaimTheLine QLD/NSW Border 7/11/21
We have flown our Protest Airplane over every Border Protest – This was the biggest so far – 10,000 people claimed by the organizers – looked like it to us from the air.
Capt Hood was moving – real concern for people hurting from mad mandates.
As he said “You Cannot Mandate People to Love You” – Bullies in Power This means YOU
We are not anti V.x we flew helping to reach Border Opening Targets, just last week.
What our clients today oppose is having choice removed by Erratic Border Mandates and/or Jobs Threatened.
In what world does a Labor Govt sack workers defending their Right to Free Choice
And a Liberal Govt makes business break the privacy laws by interrogating customers private medical records
The wording for this protest banner began on Topher Field’s Slow Chat with Hoody at 1:49 into the show
Special Thanks to Topher Field for the time on your show.

#ReclaimTheLine QLD/NSW Border Silent Protest

Authorized by G. Biggs Terranora 2486 

This banner is a bonus for all our clients who have been concerned by the Immoral Overreach of Emergency Powers.
And to stand by the people who are facing Blackmail and Coercion because they believe that only Tyrants do not understand the meaning of Consent. 
Our message over the QLD/NSW Border also recognizes all those injured by Heartless Border Policies.
Your suffering is not unnoticed   
We are so proud to provide Air Support for you brave people.

World Wide Rally for Freedom, Peace and Human Rights

Protest Banner Flys from the Border to Brisbane

Aerial Displays from Byron Bay to Brisbane 18th September 2021 are
Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

Protest Aeroplane over Lockdown Protests

Huge numbers saw this banner today on the Gold Coast and Brisbane behind the Protest Aeroplane
As we flew past the Border and Gold Coast show then up the M1 to circle Brisbane

Not to mention 9, ABC & Sky News 
Over 15K views on 7 News Live Stream on Facebook and Twitter
Played again on Monday nights 9 Gold Coast local News

We are very proud to help air Liberal Democrat Policies and how to Vote Card

Sky banner reads "End Lockdowns - Vote Liberal Democrats

Aerial Activity Sunday 29/8/2021 is
Authorised by: Dr John Humphreys, Level 1, 203-205 Blackburn Rd, MT WAVERLEY VIC 3149

Legal Notice

SKY-ADS doesn’t have contact with or knowledge of any Protest Organisers
We were only aware of police intentions to mount a “Joint Operation” at the Border
And media interest in police activity and possible events on the border

Have a listen to the crowd’s reaction when our message arrives overhead  – QLD / NSW Border 22/8/2021
Authorized by – Gary Biggs, Terranora NSW 2486 

This banner received National TV coverage on Channel 7, 9 and 10 News – We were even national on the ABC !!
Our thanks to the boys in the Brisbane Media Chopper – Brilliant Vision!
I have done interviews with 2 Newspapers and went live on SeaFM and Triple M.

Freedom Day - Anti-Lockdown Protests

Protest Banner Reads "Lockdown insanity = Child Abuse"
Aerial Photo of Crowds Protesting Lock Downs in Brisbane

We flew over the National Lockdown Protests – Saturday 21 / 8 / 2021 Brisbane and Gold Coast Queensland Australia.
Authorized by – Gary Biggs, Terranora NSW 2486 

Our work with the protest aeroplane stars in new video

We are so proud that others value our work enough to include it in this Video.
Our messages do sum up the problems in a nutshell.

#### Warning there is vision in this clip of a Police Officer kicking an arrested man at a protest in the head ####

Our Protest Aeroplane joins the Light Rail fight

Banner in the sky reads "$1 Billion 4 China 2 Build Light rail 3"

Sky Banner activity over Gold Coast 15th August 2021 
Authorised by Karen Rowles, Palm Beach Qld.

Asking the question, the state has been locked up for weeks, Businesses are on their knees. No Taxes coming in.

Is this really a good idea?

Protest Aeroplane fly’s for protest against the CCP

Global Service Centre for Quitting the CCP have again organized SKY-ADS to spread their message and promote the website  via our Protest Aircraft service around South East Queensland Australia.

Protest Banner in the sky

Sky Banner activity over Gold Coast and Brisbane 20th July 2021 11:00 till 14:00 is
Authorised by Global Service Centre for Quitting the CCP
Check out their website –  

SOS COLOMBIA Protest Aeroplane

22/5/21 – The Brisbane and Gold Coast Colombian communities hired SKY-ADS to fly their message past the Gold Coast beaches then following the M1 to Brisbane and around the City.   

World Animal Protection protest aeroplane at Seaworld

15/5/21 and 10/4/2021 we flew “Air Support” for as they conducted a protest at the gates of Sea World on the Gold Coast.

Black banner in a clear blue sky reads "Ban Dolphin Breeding"

Authorized by World Animal Protection  Level 2, 120 Christie Street, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia

Protest Crowd cheers as SKY-ADS banner flys overhead
Protest Crowd cheers as SKY-ADS banner flys overhead

Protest aircraft fly's on Australia Day 26th January 2021

So a massive day of protesting was had on Australia Day. We had 3 aircraft in the air at 10am.

  1. Sydney
  2. Brisbane 
  3. Gold Coast 

Actually what do you call protesting a protest? Un-Protesting?

As our client Advance Australia notes the first fleet arrived in Botany Bay January 18.
January 26 is when we all became Australians. Before that we were British Citizens – God save the King.
So while some tried to divide Australians by race 
We decided to try and unite everybody and celebrate being Australians  

Skywriting spelling out AUS DAY

Skywriting over Sydney Australia Day 26th January 2021 0950 till 1030 is
Authorised by Matthew Sheahan for Advance Aus Ltd, Level 9, 2 Phillip Law Street, New Acton ACT 2601.

Sky Banner activity over Brisbane Australia Day 26th January 2021 0900 till 1100 is
Authorised by Matthew Sheahan for Advance Aus Ltd, Level 9, 2 Phillip Law Street, New Acton ACT 2601.
Photo Credit: Sharp Wings Photography

After a busy morning organising aircraft we settled into an afternoon protesting
Starting on the Gold Coast at Point danger near the Airport, we flew past every beach. Circling at North Burleigh so they could get some vision.
From the seaway we flew over to Dreamworld, then followed the M1 to Mt Gravatt. Over the Brisbane Uni and around the city a few times.
Out to Mt Cootha for more filming work, then back to the Gold Coast following the M1 again.

Sky Banner activity over Gold Coast and Brisbane Australia Day 26th January 2021 1230 till 1530 is
Authorised by Global Service Centre for Quitting the CCP
Check out their website –  

Queensland Election 2020

Several Annoyed Businessman hire Protest Aeroplane

We have been flying over elections for nearly 40 years 
We have never had so many parties willing to pay for sky advertisements as the Queensland Election 2020

Welcome to the official Sky Banner – Battle of Brisbane Page

Never in the history of peaceful protesting
have so many
been so annoyed at so few  

Citizens of Queensland reach into their own pockets to fly protest banners

Banner in headline picture Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

All the citizens of Queensland who have paid for Protest Banners behind our aircraft have been injured in some way or another by the Heartless policies of the Queensland Labor government.
If you go around hurting your citizens you should expect some blow back 

A local landscaper, a Jazz Club Owner and others use SKY-ADS to take on the might of a heartless empire.

How did the Sky Banner – Battle of Brisbane start

It all started with SKY-ADS first banner – read on 

Thursday 10th September  

After the recent media regarding the injustice of the current Queensland Border Closures. John a Queensland Businessman decided he had had enough.

He called SKY-ADS and asked us to fly around Brisbane with his message to the Voters of Queensland.
Protesting about the unfairness of the Closed Borders

At 11am the next day our Protest Aeroplane was airborne with his protest message

Read more about SKY-ADS – click here

Protest Aircraft sign reads "Vote Her Out"

Authorized by John McInerney, 629 Waterworks Road, Ashgrove  Brisbane, 4060 AUS

Simple message, but very effective.
This protest message is now a call to action and a hashtag #VoteHerOut

SKY-ADS leveraged our media connections and soon we were busier than a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
By the end of the 3 hour session we had completed 8 media events.

Circling for the cameras at Tweed Heads, Cavill Ave (Ch 9), Australia Fair (Ch7), Mount Gravatt (Advance Australia), Mt Cootha for a run with the news chopper.

We then went for a chat with the premier in the city. ABC news got vision there. 

The pictures captured from the chopper aired on seven, nine and ABC nationally in the afternoon and evening.

Our businessman even went as far as setting up a GoFundMe page to raise money for some more flying in the led up to the election – If you want to help get our Protest Aeroplane airborne again –  Donate Here

or Call us Directly 04 12166692  or email

Authorized by John McInerney Brisbane, AUS

Update - another day another ashamed businessman

Saturday 12th September

After our Protest Aeroplane flew “Vote Her Out” on Friday, we received a telephone call from James the owner of Go To Court Lawyers and Doo-Bop Jazz Bar.
He was so upset by the actions of the Government regarding the unfair Border rules after seeing our Protest Aircraft on the TV that night, he immediately sent us money to fly again on Sunday.

Read the ABC story Here

This is the result  

Protest Aircraft dragging sign "She is Heartless"

Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

The results

Headline News Today on Seven and Nine
Long story midnews on Ten News seen nationwide
Footage on every channel – even ABC
Big result from today’s Protest Aeroplane

Press Release from our client James

Press Release

I am a Queenslander, born and bred, and not aligned with any political party. I am currently in mandatory hotel quarantine in Brisbane, day 8, for the crime of visiting NSW.

The actions of the Queensland Government since they closed the borders to all of NSW and the ACT on 8 August this year have truly sickened me. Children callously refused permission to see a dying parent, or to attend their funeral. A mother brutally prevented from seeing her son on his deathbed. Cancer victims, young and old, shown no mercy and scornfully turned away. And millions of people, including me, unable to travel freely around our own country, as the Australian Constitution gives us the unalienable right to do.

Annastacia Palaszczuk has shown everyone this week what she’s actually made of. The brutal, chilling disregard for the suffering of her fellow Australians is as shocking in a modern Australian political leader as it is reprehensible. Failing to intervene on behalf of a young woman who just wanted to attend her dad’s funeral; accusing the PM of bullying for asking her privately to do so, and then shamelessly absolving herself of all responsibility, and sheeting home all the blame to her hapless Chief Health Officer. How did it come to this?

Utterly, fundamentally, stunningly disgraceful behaviour, on every level. So unnecessary. So unedifying. So un-Australian.

Annastacia Palaszczuk is not worthy of the high office that she holds. We have these past days all witnessed indisputable proof that her character is deeply flawed. She is without mercy, without compassion, and she is destroying the very soul of Queensland.

She is heartless.

 “There, where I have passed, the grass will never grow again.”

Attila the Hun

James Stevens

Update - John's Crowdfunding comes through

Dr Jannette Young has not been seen since Friday’s Protest Aeroplane. And Anna-stay-shut did not appear after Sunday.
Instead the premier’s stand in man, the second banana came out so John, all cashed up with everybody’s donations.
Decided that if Mr Miles wants to run the state, he should face the Protest Aeroplane.

The result is

Protest Aircraft reads "He's Miles out of his depth

Authorized by John McInerney, 629 Waterworks Road, Ashgrove  Brisbane, 4060 AUS

TV shot of Protest aeroplane over the Brisbane City

Another good result

Stories went National News
Friends in Melbourne letting us know it aired there

We set up this line for the News Chopper
Flying this line put the Brisbane city in the background
Nice flying from Bob in the Media Chopper 

When you need to get your message across Black Banners stand out better

Update - Heads up - Forth Protest Aeroplane over Brisbane Sunday 20/9/20


Today Sunday 20/9/20 the Sky Banner – Battle of Brisbane erupts again

Our client a Jazz Club owner in Brisbane who is outraged by the shame our state government has brought upon us with the disgraceful heartlessness regarding the hindrance placed upon our border freedom. Is again reminding those in power that treating her citizens with such contempt is un-Australian.

Our message today


                   END OUR BORDER SHAME NOW

Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

We will be presenting a photo opportunity of our banner at the Lookout at Mt Coo-tha at 12:30 today

We remind the premier that a pregnant woman from Ballina still does not have her permission to go to a Hospital in Brisbane for Urgent medical treatment.

If fact cross border residents in Tweed Heads also cannot travel  to Brisbane without exemption because of pass conditions.

This is a shameful situation bringing disgrace on Queensland.

by Miles flawed logic – Canberra should be closing its borders to Brisbane now; because Brisbane has had cases in the last 28 Days….

As the CHO pointed out Canberra is in the middle of NSW – We would like to point out that it is about 3 hours’ Drive from Sydney and nearly half way to Melbourne; so why is Northern Rivers (8 to 10 hours from Sydney and 16 to 18 hours from Melbourne) not allowed to travel in Queensland?

Protest Aeroplane Banner reads "End our Border shame Now !"

Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

The Border Shame has brought disgrace on Queensland. Queenslanders are still not free despite some minor fiddling with border bubble areas –

The Border shame continues in as far as we cannot travel to so many covid free areas of the country.

  • There has been no plausible reason given
  • No admission of the hurt being caused as a result of our reduction in freedom.
  • No attempt to minimise the damage or reduce the time span of our hurt.

Fifth Protest Aeroplane over Brisbane

Today Sunday 27/9/20 the Sky Banner – Battle of Brisbane continues. 
This week with a general statement of fact. SAFETY IS NOTHING WITHOUT FREEDOM
This applies everywhere in the world. But especially in areas who are suffering lockdowns. 
We will be presenting a photo opportunity of our banner at the Lookout at Mt Coo-tha at 12:10 today

Our message today – directly confronts the fake news regarding safety 

Protest aeroplane writes "Safety is Nothing Without Freedom" across the sky

Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

You cannot hurt your citizens and not expect blow back

Update 4th October 2020

The premier cannot hurt her citizens in a heartless and uncaring manner without some bush pack.
This is what happens when you restrict people’s livelihood necessary, stop girls visiting her dying father; and then when it’s too late stop them going to the funeral. Shame!
If you are going to make rules that restrict your citizens freedoms you should be very careful.    

Then they need to be applied with compassion and common sense; not uncaringly for Political Advantage 

Big results again tonight – Headline news on Seven News – Click here

Packed Gold Coast Beaches also saw our Protest Aeroplane fly past plus a M1 Traffic Jam from Dreamworld all the way bumper to bumper to Beenleigh on the way to Brisbane.

Protest Plane says "Cruelty is not Strength, vote her out"

Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

Our client joins famous company, fighting for Freedom

Today our client channels a great freedom fighter from the past, get out the file footage of Ronald Reagan standing in front of the Brandenburg Gate

because today over Brisbane we fly:-

Sky Advertisement reads "MS Palaszczuk Tear Down This Wall"

Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

Stalin had, what Winston Churchill described as The Iron Curtain, Chairman MAO had a bamboo curtain.
MS PALASZCZUK has erected a PLASTIC CURTAIN along our border

Traffic Jam at Border Choke Point on M1
Plastic curtain along the Qld - NSW border

The Premier sets the Policy for her bureaucrats to follow; the shame brought upon us by her Heartless policies (or lack of them) is Unforgivable.

It has led to the death of a baby, cruel punishment of 14 days in solitary motel confinement for leaving the state and in human treatment of grieving children unable to see their dying father or attend his funeral – all unforgivable, this is why our clients say SHE IS HEARTLESS – VOTE HER OUT.

Our message will be over Brisbane at Noon; photo opportunities will be available at Mt Gravatt and Mt Coo-tha Lookouts between 12 and 12:30. Text us on 04 12166692 for an ETA

Advance Australia return to the Queensland Election fray

Having previously flown, it was great to have Advance Australia return to be involved in the election campaign.

Election Banner reads "A Vote for Labor is a Vote for Trad"

Authorised by Matthew Sheahan for Advance Aus Ltd, Level 9, 2 Phillip Law Street, New Acton ACT 2601.

Reaction was immediate reporting that

“Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk
has had to be pressed to commit to serving out the full four year term
if she is returned to power later this month.”

Full article Here

So we are wondering who you get if you Vote Labor, Trad or Miles?

See Advance Australia’s Facebook video about our Protest Aeroplane – Click Here

Our banner for Advance Australia was featured on the main news on both Seven and Nine 

Queenslanders do not like Job Killing COVID restrictions

The owner of a Brisbane Jazz Bar which has been effectively Killed by COVID restrictions is back today, Sunday 18th October with another message behind SKY-ADS protest aeroplane to the voters of Queensland.
Which we flew around Brisbane and the Gold Coast today

Our clients message; the Eradication strategy pursued by the Labor government is so very costly costly on Jobs, business and the economy. Better ways of containing covid exist but will not be considered by this Heartless premier only interested in keeping her Job; Not anyone else’s’.
The policies enacted by labor have been Cruel , Heartless and often unnecessary. 
Being more for political optics than keeping us safe.
How are we any safer stopping people from Walgett (or any other covid free area) having a holiday on the Gold Coast?
But such deliberate misleading polices have Killed the Tourist industry and JOBS!!!
Who can forget the people who needed our help and were refused. Shame.

Protest Aeroplane writes "Suppress COVID. Eradicate Labor

Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

After a Facebook Post another annoyed businessman joins

The video above featured in a Post on Facebook  page

After seeing our post – the managing director of a Sunshine Coast company has stepped up and sponsored a Banner behind our Protest Aircraft. 
Another horror story about how a perfectly sound business was destroyed by the policies of the current Labor Mob.
The economic cost of Anna-stay-shut’s first shutdown is only just trickling through now. 
It this case the building is being knocked down because a lease could not be renewed during during the lockdown and the landlord decided to sell to a developer.

Keep you eyes to the sky today Friday 23/10/2020 from noon on the Gold Coast – Brisbane around 1:00 


Authorized by G. Biggs Terranora 2486 

We have been inundated with horror stories from injured Queenslanders. All of who have been hurt in one way or another by the Heartless Policies enacted by the Labor state government.
The government enacts the policies – the public service’s job is to follow those policies. No good blaming them. 
If you hurt your citizens you should expect some repercussions   

If you too would like chip in to sponsor a banner email us and we will send you information.

Queensland Election 2020 - the most important ever

Our second client on board completes his promise to fly every Sunday until the Election
His final message nicely bookends his very first message 

We cannot allow the unforgivable policies enacted by the current mob to be validated. We must reclaim our Freedom!

"Heartless Anna Must Go" - written across the sky

Authorized by J Stevens, 172 Evans Rd, Salisbury Qld

Complaints to the ECQ - must be getting to some people?

Complaint answered 

Out of an abundance of caution. All the banners in this activity have had our web address appended to the banner.
In case only the banner section of our display is shown in close up by other media.
Details regarding the display is published on our blog. Right here.
Authorization Details have been clearly provided as shown just below the picture directly above.

Website showing on a sky banner

We consider the aircraft forms part of the display, Authorisation required by section 181 of the electoral act for other media, is attached to the aircraft. In addition our web address is permanently displayed on the side and bottom of our aircraft, again providing traceable authorization of any political material.

Those complaining possibly should read this  – Specifically Section 6.

Cherish Life Queensland takes up the protest

Their powerful Protest Sky Banner speaks for itself.
Flown for 3 hours per day for 3 days, around Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

Note. There has been several accusations on social media, that this claim by our client is untrue.
This was first raised with us by a news producers of one of the Brisbane TV services when SKY-ADS was providing Media “Heads Up” for our newsworthy flying activity.  
SKY-ADS raised this issue with our client prior to its first flight.
Our client vigorously defends the truth of their sky protest banner. 

You can visit our clients website for yourself here ->  Cherish Life Queensland

Cherish Life Protest Aircraft Banner flying in the air

Authorised by G. Duffy for Cherish Life QLD. 7/2 Benson Street, Toowong Qld 4066

Sky Banner activity 31th October 2020 0800 till 1100 is
Authorised by 
G. Duffy for
Cherish Life QLD.
7/2 Benson Street
Toowong Qld 4066

Sky Banner activity 31th October 2020 1130 till 1430 is
Authorised by 
G. Biggs
NSW 2486